How It Works
The CarbonCure Technology adds CO2, recycled from industrial emitters, to ready mix concrete. Waste CO2 is mineralised as calcium carbonate and permanently trapped in the concrete. The process improves the compressive strength of the concrete without impacting other key properties. Concrete producers can further optimise mix designs and achieve manufacturing efficiencies while delivering required strength properties.
Key Benefits - Designers
• CO2 avoidance improves the environmental impact of concrete.
• Key properties of concrete are maintained, including strength, durability and quality.
Key Benefits - Concrete Producers
• No CAPEX, retrofit technology installs in one day with no disruption to production.
• Seamless integration into mix designs adds CO2 like other admixtures.
• CO2 improves early and late compressive strength.
• Higher strength allows for mix design optimisation.
• Optimisation delivers a rapid ROI to offset costs of technology adoption.
• CarbonCure concrete creates a competitive advantage for producers.
Proven Success
• 2.7 million cubic meters of CarbonCure concrete have been poured to date.
• 150+ concrete plants across Canada, USA and Singapore have adopted the technology.
• 1,000’s of commercial, infrastructure and residential projects have been supplied.
Contact Us
To learn how CarbonCure can add value to your concrete and reduce the embodied carbon of your projects:
Contact us