BOC’s expertise in the oil and gas industry is based on our commitment to world-leading innovation, strong process understanding and enormous product range and distribution networks which provides customers with competitive advantages in productivity and labour management.
Our engineers and chemists have developed a variety of applications for the oil and gas industry including purging and inerting, pressure testing, leak testing, pipeline pigging, hot gas regeneration, accelerated cooldown, drying, under balanced drilling, oil lifting and fraccing.
We identify opportunities in the enhancement of existing operations and provide solutions for cost-effective implementation of new technologies in oil and gas industry.
Nitrogen purging and inerting
Nitrogen is used to displace the oxygen in tanks, pipelines and hoses, thereby reducing the potential for combustion. In addition, it is a means of reducing the amount of moisture to create a dry environment. Nitrogen can be supplied through on-site generators and in cryogenic form.
Pressure testing
Nitrogen at high pressure (delivered through a pump) can be used to carry out leak testing and pressure testing. Nitrogen can be supplied in mobile storage units, with the benefit of being able to be flexible with the point of nitrogen injection.
Leak testing
A nitrogen and helium mixture are used to test for leaks in equipment and pipelines. The helium is used as a trace gas which can be easily detected by the mass spectrometer. The testing enables remedial action to be taken on leaking flanges and joints, prior to plant commissioning.
Pipeline pigging
Nitrogen can be used to drive the pigs through oil and gas pipelines, and then used after this process to purge the pipelines and remove moisture.
Hot gas regeneration
Nitrogen at high temperatures can be used to remove hydrocarbons from process streams whilst also providing a means by which to remove moisture.
Accelerated cooldown
The use of liquid and gaseous nitrogen can accelerate the cooling of catalytic reactors, thereby reducing the downtime required in a plant turnaround.
Nitrogen gas can be used to effectively reduce moisture, with more moisture being removed as the temperature of the nitrogen gas rises.
Under balanced drilling
Nitrogen can be used instead of air for underbalanced drilling. The nitrogen displaces the oxygen and hence prevents reaction with hydrocarbons, reducing the risk of explosions.
Oil lifting
Nitrogen can be used to maintain pressures in oil reservoirs where the natural pressure is declining or the level of hydrocarbons is depleting. As nitrogen does not mix with oil or water, it can be used to force oils from injection well towards the surface of the production well.
To assist with stimulation, nitrogen and carbon dioxide can be used to create hydraulic fracturing in rocks and hence output from oil and gas production wells.