Home Medical Oxygen Therapy
What is home medical oxygen therapy
Home medical oxygen therapy (HMOT) is a treatment that is used to increase blood oxygen saturation and is prescribed for patients with a range of respiratory conditions to use in their own home or living environment.
How does HMOT work?
Organs need oxygen in order to function correctly – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other lung conditions may result in reduced blood oxygenation. Home oxygen therapy provides patients with high concentration oxygen, ensuring vital organs are receiving the oxygen required for healthy function.

How do I know if I need HMOT?
Your doctor will advise if you need supplemental oxygen after testing either arterial blood gas or pulse oximetry. Your doctor will specify the flow rate, hours of the day that oxygen therapy is required and often the type of equipment necessary to best suit your needs. Your doctor will provide you with a script or letter with these details.
BOC has been delivering HMOT services since 1935, providing home medical oxygen therapy to hundreds of thousands of patients in Australia. BOC offers oxygen concentrators, oxygen cylinders and a wide range of other complimentary equipment. As part of our service offer for our rental equipment, we provide equipment set up, education and supplemental services including - concentrator servicing (in metropolitan and most regional areas) and concentrator servicing to our HMOT-patients.

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General Enquiries, Hospital, Aged, Homecare and Sleepcare
1800 050 999 or email healthcare@boc.com
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