Sleep Study
What is a Sleep Study?
A sleep study is the only technique that allows comprehensive monitoring of both cardiorespiratory function and sleep noninvasively to determine the presence of obstructive sleep apnoea. Sleep studies can be done in-home or in-hospital. BOC supports in-home Medicare bulk billed sleep testing with an eligible referral.
Organising a sleep study is easy. Simply take this referral form to your GP or Sleep Physician, then return the signed form to us. One of our representatives will be in touch with more information on the sleep study and next steps.

Sleep study steps

Sleep as per usual

Remove sleep equipment and return to your sleep testing location

Results will be returned to your referring family doctor
Contact Us
General Enquiries, Hospital, Aged, Homecare and Sleepcare
1800 050 999 or email
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- Buy from BOC at any time
- Save time - it only takes 2 minutes on average to place an order online