Carbon dioxide

Boosting plant growth and controlling pests while supporting organic agriculture

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colourless, odourless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds, and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 400 parts per million1) and is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis. 

The Linde Group supplies CO2 into many countries. A significant amount of the product is re-captured from industrial processes. This re-captured CO2 is then condensed and purified, allowing it to be sold in cylinders or in bulk to a range of specifications, from food grade to industrial or agricultural grade. 

CO2 is a versatile molecule, supporting growth in plant life whilst also serving as a useful pest control tool. It is considered an organic treatment in many countries which means that the addition of CO2 into the greenhouse or as a post-harvest treatment for produce will not impact the organic status of your produce. Consequently, with the growth in demand for organic produce increasing steadily internationally, CO2 is part of the solution for many farmers and storage facilities worldwide. 

CO2 may be regulated for use as a fumigant or for use in greenhouse applications in your country and CO2 safety monitoring should be conducted during applications. For more information, please contact your local Linde representative.

Ideal for bakeries

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2) are natural products and incredibly effective in preventing pest and insect infestation in dry ingredients such as flour. If your bakery has already been infested by insects, we also have a special range of fumigants engineered to deal with that problem.

Safety Data Sheets

Safety data sheets provide key material characteristics for each product we supply. These data sheets include how to safely handle, use and respond to an emergency for each product.

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References:1National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL). Trends in Carbon Dioxide Values. Values given are dry air mold fractions expressed in parts per million (ppm). For an ideal gas mixture, this is equivalent to parts per million by volume (ppmv).


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