10 Steps for Cylinder Safety
Top 10 Steps for Cylinder Safety
Read labels and the applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before use.
Store upright and use in well ventilated, secure areas away from pedestrian or
vehicle thoroughfare.
Guard cylinders against being knocked violently or allowed to fall.
Wear safety shoes and gloves when handling cylinders.
Always move cylinders securely with an appropriate trolley.
Keep in a cool, well ventilated area, away from heat sources, sources of
ignition and combustible materials, especially flammable gases.
Keep full and empty cylinders separate.
Keep oil and grease away from cylinders and valves.
Never use force when opening or closing valves.
Don't repaint or disguise markings and damage, if damaged return to BOC
- All cylinders should be considered and treated as full, regardless of their content.
- Keep cylinders away from artificial heat sources (eg. flames or heaters).
- Do not store cylinders near combustible materials or flammable liquids.
- Keep flammable gases away from sources of ignition.
- Keep cylinders in well drained areas, out of water pools or ponds.
- The storage area should be kept well ventilated and clean at all times. Ideally do not store in confined spaces.
- Avoid below ground storage, where possible. Where impractical, consider enclosed space risks.
- There should be good access to the storage area for delivery vehicles. The ground surface should be reasonably level and firm (preferably concrete).
- Storage area should be designed to prevent unauthorised entry, to protect untrained people from hazards and guard cylinders from theft.
- Different types of gases must be stored separately, in accordance with State Dangerous Goods legislation. Also refer to AS4332 (The Storage and Handling of Gases in Cylinders).
- Stores must clearly show signage in accordance with state Dangerous Goods regulations. This includes Class Diamonds; HAZCHEM; no smoking and naked flame warning signs.
- Full and empty cylinders should be kept separate.
- Toxic and corrosive gases should be stored separately from all other gases.
- Liquefied flammable cylinders must be stored upright on a firm, level floor (ideally concrete). This is also preferable for most other gas cylinders.
- Store cylinders away from heavy traffic and emergency exits.
- Rotate stock of full cylinders, and use cylinders on a 'first in, first out' basis.
- Never repaint or obscure cylinder label, even if cylinder is rusty, dirty or damaged. This can result in unsafe situations.
- Never apply any unauthorised labels markings to cylinders, unless advised by BOC to identify faulty cylinders.
- Avoid storing cylinders below 0ºC. Some mixtures may separate below this.
- Regularly check for leaks and faults.
- Keep oil and grease away from cylinders and valves.
- Never use force when opening or closing valves.
When handling gas cylinders, and in line with current manual handling regulations, it is advisable that the following precautions are followed:
- Larger cylinders are heavy. Manual handling risk assessments and training should be undertaken.
- Safety shoes and gloves should be worn when handling cylinders.
- Cylinders should be handled with care and not knocked violently or allowed to fall.
- Cylinders should be moved with the appropriate size and type of trolley.
- Cylinder valves must be closed when moving cylinders and equipment should be detached.
- Only people trained in cylinder manual handling should move cylinders over short distance.
- Over longer distances, use appropriate trolleys or pallets, and firmly secure cylinders into them.
- Never roll cylinders along the ground as this may cause the valve to open accidentally. It may also damage the cylinder, label and paintwork.
- DO carry and refer to Initial Emergency Response Guide or Emergency Procedure Guide "EPG" if a cylinder is suspected to be leaking.
- DO whenever possible transport cylinders on open vehicles, utilities or trailers. Do not cover with tarpaulin.
- DO ensure cylinder valves are tightly shut and, if provided, valve protection guards/caps and/or valve outlet gas tight plugs or caps are fitted and nipped up.
- DO check all cylinders for leaks, (e.g. with soapy water) prior to loading into an enclosed compartment of a vehicle. Seek advice from local representatives.
- DO ensure cylinders are secured on vehicle to prevent movement under all transport conditions. Flammable liquefiable gas must be transported vertically.
- DO ensure cylinders are not damaged by other equipment carried on the vehicle. This could lead to cylinder damage and even rupture.
- DO ensure cylinders are loaded within the rigid sides or gates and tailgate of the vehicle.
- DO remove regulators, hoses etc. from cylinders before transporting.
- DO park enclosed vehicles with cylinders on board in the shade, if possible.
- DO NOT smoke, use naked flame or non flameproof electrics anywhere near a vehicle carrying Class 2.1 flammable gases.
- DO NOT leave cylinders unattended in enclosed vehicles for extended periods e.g. more than 1 hour and especially overnight. Ensure adequate ventilation.
- DO NOT use cylinders which are standing in an enclosed vehicle. Always remove outside first.